Therapy for The
Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)


Somatic Therapy Helps Highly Sensitive People to Flourish

Have you ever wondered if you might be a highly sensitive person (HSP)? You can answer this 27 question scale to find out.

If you are highly sensitive, you may stand more to gain from therapy than just about any other kind of person. When HSPs learn how to be a good stewards of their nervous systems and to hold ground in the world they go on to enrich their community with the profound gifts of their inner life. These gifts may involve music, art, science, writing, design, empathy, and imagination.

The term Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) was coined by psychologists Elaine Aron and Arthur Aron to describe people with sensory processing sensitivity. Highly sensitive people have a finely tuned nervous system that can make them more responsive to stimuli in their environment. This heightened sensitivity can manifest in various aspects of life, including emotions, sensory experiences, and social interactions.

Receiving therapy as a highly sensitive person can help to reduce sensory overwhelm, better harness your creative gifts, and navigate the world with greater ease.

Did you know that highly sensitive individuals are estimated to make up 20% of the overall population? - Elaine Aron

HSP Characteristics

  • Sensory sensitivity: HSPs tend to be more sensitive to loud noises, bright lights, strong smells, or rough textures.

  • Emotional sensitivity: HSPs can be deeply affected by their own emotions and the emotions of others.

  • Overstimulation: Due to their heightened sensitivity, HSPs are more prone to becoming overstimulated in busy or chaotic environments.

  • Depth of processing: HSPs tend to process information deeply and reflect on their experiences extensively.

HSP Advantages

  • Empathy and compassion: Highly sensitive individuals often have a strong sense of empathy and compassion towards others. They are inherently attuned to and considerate of others; therefore have the capacity to create deep and meaningful relationships.

  • Creativity and intuition: Many HSPs possess a rich inner world and a strong sense of intuition. They may be drawn to creative pursuits such as art, music, or writing, where they can express their unique perspectives and insights.

  • Strong attention to detail: HSPs are often highly observant and detail-oriented. They notice subtleties and nuances that others may overlook, allowing them to excel in tasks that require careful attention and thorough analysis.

  • Heightened sensitivity to positive stimuli: Just as HSPs may be more sensitive to negative stimuli, such as loud noises or stressful situations, they are also more sensitive to positive stimuli. This means that positive experiences, such as moments of joy, excitement, or love, may be amplified for highly sensitive individuals, leading to more intense and profound emotional responses.

  • Strong moral compass: Highly sensitive individuals often have a strong sense of justice, fairness, and ethics. They are deeply affected by injustice or suffering in the world and may feel compelled to take action to make a positive difference.

Tools & Strategies for HSPs

  • Embodiment & mindfulness techniques

  • Reflection, journaling & self-awareness practices

  • Boundary setting & maintenance

  • Assertiveness training

  • Time-management, systems & calendaring

  • Breaking up tasks to be less overwhelming

  • Allow yourself to take breaks and recharge

  • Creating low-stimulation environments

  • Cultivating supportive & reciprocal relationships

  • Self-care, exercise & rest

Therapy for the Highly Sensitive Person in Los Angeles, California

The Somatic Therapy Approach

At Beyond, we show you somatic practices that support nervous system regulation. These practices are essential for HSPs who can easily experience sensory or emotional overwhelm. Somatic practices allow blocked energy to discharge, bringing you back to a state of restful alertness. As we reconnect your nervous system, you start to feel yourself again & your energy & motivation are restored. You develop a wider window of tolerance so that your nervous system can handle more information & energy & your sensitivity becomes less of a problem for you.

We identify unhelpful patterns in both your work & relationships that block your greater potential from emerging. We bring these blocks into awareness & unravel them by processing & unburdening the past events that live on in your nervous system. Often, we don’t need to dig deep into the past events themselves. What is important is the residue that still lives on in the present day.

We support you in developing exercise, sleep & nutrition habits that provide positive energy & help create a virtuous cycle of improvement in all areas.

Before long your sensitivity is no longer holding you back & you can give your full gift to the world.

Psychotherapy for the HSP--Highly Sensitive Person in West Los Angeles, California
HSP therapy in West Los Angeles

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Embark on Your Healing Journey

At Beyond Psychology Center, we use an attuned, affirming and holistic approach to support Highly Sensitive People.

Contact us today. We have a diverse group of therapists who can provide somatic and talk therapy in Los Angeles, California and online coaching around the world.

We would be happy to answer your questions and support you in moving toward a less overwhelmed and more vibrant life.