Fresh Start to a Magical New You

Welcome to a brand new year!!

You and the universe have only been this age once.

So, I always pick out a word for the new year and my word for this year is:

I am deeply interested in setting up the conditions that enable magic and miracles. By this I mean giant leaps in healing, understanding, relationships, and ways we organize the world. I want to be surprised and delighted by my life. I demand nothing less!

I have three questions for you:

1) Where are the seeds of new magic in your own life?

2) What magical tree do they wish to become?

3) What magical fruit has now ripened to the point it can be picked?

I would love to know your answers!


p.s. in doing my own refresh, I have decided I’ll be sending out my nuggets monthly and keeping them short for easy digestion. As always I welcome any and all feedback.


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